Friday, August 17, 2007

Just call me Zombie Momma

I will call last night- The Night of a Thousand Nightmares. While I was at the grocery, Mike and Gryffin watched an old kids movie, The Mouse and the Motorcycle. It was from the early 80's and had a talking mouse that duh, rode a motorcycle and was constantly being chased by what Gryffin referred to as a monster cat. This cat looked and sounded demonic. And I have know some demonic cats in my life. Anyway, I didn't think anything of it until 2:30 this morning when Gryffin woke up screaming his little lungs out. When I asked him what was wrong all he would say was Monster Cat in between sobs. Oh great. From then on, about every 20-30 minutes, he was waking up screaming. It was a long night of diapers, milks and back rubs trying to get him back to sleep for more than a few minutes. No luck. He promptly declared at 6:15 this morning, "Momma, I awake!". Great kid, that makes one of us.
Currently I'm slugging down some trucker strength coffee in hopes of at least faking consciousness until I can wrestle him down for a nap about 11. HOPEFULLY.
I'm also keeping my fingers, toes, eyes, hairs and whatever else I have muscle control over crossed that the contractor shows up today and gets that vinyl adhesive off my wood floor before it dries and I have to bury his body under the porch.

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