Monday, November 13, 2006

Rattling pipe dreams...

Ok, I want a bigger, newer house with a non-squeeky floor, pipes that don't rattle and lights that don't flicker. But before I can get any of this our lives have to settle down and I need to find more money from somewhere. Maybe I can start selling my worn once undies on Ebay like a woman I read about. She was making good money- at least enough to keep her in new undies and just think of the laundry saved. Yeah, you're right. Thats gross. Maybe I could offer to babysit a couple kids during the day. Hell NO, we would have to be 6 inches from repo before that would happen. How about taking all those dust bunnies my Huskies make, knitting sweaters and selling them? Nope, don't know how to knit and who would want a sweater that smells like dog. I guess my only answer is to quit looking at real estate web sites for houses I like. God blessed me with a non-leaking roof, a big back yard, a kitchen I get rave reviews on and a home that is filled with love. I should be happy with what I've got, take care of it and realize that the bigger the house the longer it takes to clean.

1 comment:

cdorsey said...

yep...I'm with ya on that one too...unfortunately!